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The Republican Party is A Slave Masters Party…In 25 Tweets or less.

Slave masters have an alpha-chimpanzee’s worldview. Existence is all about them, getting theirs, first, as Alphas in a social Pyramid of Lifeforms.  continue...

In the name of Sanity, Let’s Cut To The Chase, We Need A Global Democratic Government Now!

Lets' Cut to the Chase, to the excitement of Cooperating to establish a Global Democratic Government Now. Why? continue...

On Gay Marriage: State Government Cannot Do Acts of god, They Can Do Democracy or Slavery. Impeach Pro-Slavery Supremes.

I am a cultural, social lifeform, not a god. I cannot do acts of god. Therefore, my agents cannot claim to do the acts of any god for me. continue...

O’Reilly is Right, It Will Become a Crime to Tell Bible Stories to Children, They Teach Criminal Beliefs and Behaviors.

Bill O’Reilly is right. It will become a crime to tell Bible stories to children, because The Bible teaches criminal beliefs and behaviors. continue...

Western Culture is Insane; Global Culture is our future.

Western Culture is based on the theistic world-view that teaches the Might of imaginary experience Makes crime Right. continue...

Religion is Necessary, But Gods are Optional, And Lead Us into Crime.

What is Religion? Our common situation in this existence tells us what Religion is. Our common situation is that we are semiconscious, cultural, social lifeforms who produce immature offspring. continue...

Dear Salon, Is The Tizzy Making Issue Religion?

Dear Salon,

Some seem to be in a tizzy over religion. Is Religion itself, or just some particular religions, the tizzy making issue? continue...

Atheists Should Stop Dissing Religion

Atheists should stop dissing religion. It's self-defeating. You can't win the contest for the future, if you refuse to play the only game that wins the hearts and minds of children. continue...

I Blame New York

I blame New York. I blame New York for 911. I don't mean the attack. I blame America for the attack. I blame New York for the aftermath of 911. I don't mean I blame ordinary New Yorkers. Ordinary people look to their leaders to interpret invents. Of course, New York's economic leaders don't want the truth spoken,  continue...

On Heading Up

One planet, one people, one pickle. The planet is earth, the people are us, the pickle is our universe. It is a constant blooming surprise. We are fast passing sparkles in its never ending fireworks. No thing is sustainable, every thing is subject to change without notice.  continue...


Letters To the Times

I should have suspected when he insisted on putting a pool in for the girls. I knew Alice and Addy would be much happier going with the other kids to the community pool, only three sound buffeting blocks away. Which, of course, they did half the time anyway, when it finally opened for the summer.  continue...

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Minutes of Madness

Minutes of Madness is a podcast available from Anchor FM, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or the podcasts page of this site. Now you can read the scripts for series one, Bacteria Blabs.

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Seen In the Steam

Read my blog, Seen in the Steam, hosted on Blogspot.

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These articles,originally published in Citizine, are no longer available on their web site. But you can read them here.

I Want My BBC

I want my BBC. Why can’t I have my BBC...World New Service? Everyone else in the world has it continue...

Tecumseh's Curse

What Do Women Want?

Dumb and Hummer

Hey, if you’ve passed third grade you should know that consumer advertising uses all the psychological techniques of Manchurian Candidate brainwashing. continue...

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