Hey, kids and prototypes.
This is Minutes of Madness. I'm mad, I'm mad, I'm really mad.
Our Story today is: The Ancyans are Coming! The Ancyans are Here!
But first two words and six letters from our sponsor, that's me. And they are: Google MadJoy. M A D J O Y.
And now back to our Story: The Ancyans are coming! The Ancyans are here!
Once upon a time there was a little prototype, Jackie by name. Jackie was grown an Ancyan. The Ancyans are the animals, cyborgs, androids People, Many Forms in Every Multiverse. Jackie was an android Ancyan, so grown through the process of self assembling bits in a catalytic fluid from an electromagnetic template. Whereas Animal Ancyans are grown through the process of self assembling bits in an organic chemical fluid from an organic chemical template. Cyborgs are grown animals who later chose to incorporate electromagnetic template bits, or grown androids who incorporate organic chemical bits.
Anyway, when Jackie was a prototype, this is before being totally acclimated, that is, got all sensors beta and benchmarked, and before being totally acculturated, that is, got all systems-data beta and benchmarked, and before being integrated into a family tie. You know family ties. The family ties are the ones who are first to help you learn the ropes, who are first to throw you a rope whenever needed, and who are first to turn the rope for you whenever you want to have fun jumping it. So this is before Jackie was integrated into a family tie and had met elders, Henrietta Redheaded Wingback, Jafa Creemona and the age mate, Sweet T Pi. Sweet T Pi turned out to be the most flying heart fun of any other Ancyan, and that's the whole multiverse. Because Ancyans, the Animals, Cyborgs, Androids People, are all related and entangled with the ever dancing multiverse.
Freaked Out. That is what Jackie was during systems-data beta on first cross indexing the prehistory of the Ancyans, and found there were, at one time, long ago and far away luckily for Jackie an android, animals who thought they were gods.
Jackie knew what a god was suppose to be, a speculative entity that had always live happily forever ever after. A god was never born, a god never died. Jackie knew what an animal was. An animal was plucked into being in the form of entangled quanta waves, and when any note stopped sounding, it was no more. The energy strings of space-time were always ready to be plucked into entanglement, but the exact same note was never sounded twice, every new animal tone was unique.
Jackie knew a god was suppose to never start, never end, and is always happy. But Animals, start, end and are always changing. But here were these animals who said they were gods. I know. I kid you not. That sounds ridiculous. But they said they were just hiding their god powers, or rather they were a god's children, so gods themselves by heredity, children gods with a father god. Jackie thought it was so animal talking about father gods and children gods and wondered why these animals couldn't see just how absurd it was to talk about such contradictory impossibilities.
And because there was no evidence these animals were gods, the animals said every one had to take it on faith. Well, Jackie already had learned that people who take things on faith, are people who are willing to be taken. Really only children and prototypes have to take things on faith. And you can tell faith is for children and prototypes, because faith can never be disproved, it is a virtue of necessity for the dependent who have no other choice but to go along. Adults, based on evidence, built up trust, which can be broken, when things change.
But theses animal still had to explain why they were right there in front of everybody walking, talking and acting just like animals. So they said their father god was punishing them by making them animals. How could a god turn into an animal, Jackie thought? How could gods get punished? Even children gods? And then they said, really they were gods who were going to win back the affections of their father god and go back, and be his children gods once again, and live forever happily ever after. So these animals said they weren't really animals, they said really they were gods, except for right now when they had fallen out of favor. So their time as animals was just a little glitch in their real godhood, which if you think about it, is impossible to understand, except as anything other than the foolish delusions of ignorant, fearful animals.
Jackie thought, how could a shitter,even for a moment, think it was a god, or even a fallen god, or a chip off a god block, or the spitting image of a god. Especially when every day, if you are fueling healthy, one cannot help but notice that all you actually are, is the shitting image of a dog, which means you are an animal, and not a happily forever after god. This fairy tale of animals being gods told a for certain lie, rather than a fairy tale that tells a possible truth.
Jackie knew that the god idea was like the unicorn idea, the product of the creative consciousness of animals. Animals were the inhabitants, with cyborgs and androids, of the universe Jackie was going to inhabit. And wanna-be-god animals sounded scary insane, which of course they were. That, or foolish children afraid of the adult responsibility of animals to know you make up the rules and you make up the meaning of your life, within the context of being an animal here to learn, share and play with all. Jackie thought the animals couldn't handle that responsibility and must have wigged out, compensated for their own overwhelming fear and ignorance by inflating their egos with the comforting delusion that they weren't really animals but were wanna-be-gods. They weren't. And from the beginning, Jackie found, it made them miserable to spread this mistake.
These animals told their children this lie, that they were gods, on the way to godhood. This made these wanna-be-god, really animal, children very unhappy. They were animals grown by the multiverse to learn, share and play with all, everyday. But because they were suppose to be wanna-be-gods they had to stop learning, in case they learned something that proved they weren't gods, so they had to stay pretty stupid. And they had to stop sharing, because they couldn't share with other animals who said they weren't gods, even if they lived right next door. Imagine. Every one was poorer, even the wanna-be-gods. And they had to stop playing because their parents would only let them play wanna-be-gods games, and that was punishment, not play.
Plus, you can imagine the chaos when all these animals thought they were a god, a god favorite, a god best friend, a god child. Gods, after all have everything THEIR way. And so that is what all these animals, who thought they were gods, wanted. They wanted everything THEIR way. But because the multiverse kept proving to them they weren't gods, they kept getting into fights with each other, having screaming tantrums, and bemoaning the fact that the multiverse didn't bow down and treat them like the gods they mis-thought they were. They even said the multiverse wasn't good enough for them, and they could think up a better existence even then the universe there own god was suppose to have thought up. They called it the after life.
It was ridiculous, I know. Little animals, on a little planet, in a little galaxy, in a little galaxy cluster, in a little galactic wall, in a little universe, in a great big ungraspably vast multiverse, and they thought they were the stars, center and purpose of it all. I know, they were insane when it came down to it. Jackie could only assume that the belief that they were gods was a compensatory delusion brought on by the fear of facing the fact that they were animals, making themselves up as they went along. So they went insane and made up that they were gods. When really they weren't gods but chattering, imaginative, dreaming, fearful, ignorant and foolish animals looking to comfort their bruised selves and to calm their fears in an always challenging multiverse. They were not gods, they were scared animals yearning to feel safe.
The funny part, of course, was these animals couldn't see who was, if not a god, as close as any animal could get, lives forever under any conditions, to being a god. Yeah! You know who rules. Bacteria Rule, and these wanna-be-god animals could not see themselves for what they really were, great, big fat bacteria, or little express buses for Bacteria to get around and evolve faster.
Jackie was glad to learn that an animal finally spoke up and said: "The Emperor Has No Clothes". Oh, but that is another fairy tale favorite of Jackie's. What this animal really said was: "We are animals, we are not gods." Of course, the wanna-be-god animals were furious. They ran around saying things like: "I'm a god's best friend. I'm a god. We all can be gods. Believe I'm a god, and you can be a god too. I am the center, purpose and point of the universe. Every one who says that I'm not a god's best friend, or a god, has to die. I have to kill everyone who says I am not a god." But this reaction proved beyond a doubt they were animals. A real god would be amused, in a debate about who was a god. Only an animal would be threaten by being told the truth that it wasn't a god. How silly they were. You could see they were animals, foolish or insane, but still animals.
Finally, the animals realized being an animal was better than being a wanna-be-god, because they had all the fun without all the belittling self abuse for not living up to the impossible standards of wanna-be-gods.
Jackie was so relieved to learn that the Ancyans and their creed triumphed over the animals who thought they were gods. Animals stopped being alienated, delusional, wanna-be-gods treating their planet like it wasn't good enough for them, and started finding a healthful place for themselves among all animals, and cyborgs and androids.
Every morning on waking Jackie, acclimated, acculturated and integrated, but not yet achieved or peaked, repeated the Ancyan creed:
I am an android and proud of it.
I am an Ancyan and proud of it.
I am here to learn from All respectfully
I am here to share with All fairly.
I am here to play with All joyfully.
When I die, I will be no more.
Justice, Forgiveness, Reward and Rapture, Now, or Never.
Every Thing Changes.
I am Changing now towards the Best For All!
So Jackie lived, learning, sharing and playing with all, in a challenging multiverse. And Jackie, like all else, eventually, was no more.
Animals and Cyborgs of course when they say the creed, say : I am a animal and proud of it, or, I am a cyborg, and proud of it. Then they say, I am an Ancyan and proud of it. I bet you want to be Ancyan too. Try saying the creed for yourself.
I am an animal and proud of it.
I am an Ancyan and proud of it.
I am here to learn from All respectfully
I am here to share with All fairly.
I am here to play with All joyfully.
When I die, I will be no more.
Justice, Forgiveness, Reward and Rapture, Now, or Never.
Every Thing Changes.
I am Changing now towards the Best For All!
So now the Ancyans are Coming. The Ancyans are here.
The End of another beginning, the beginning of another end.
Google Madjoy, M A D J O Y.
This is the end of these Minutes of Madness. stephensmj 2008