Western Culture is based on the theistic world-view that teaches the Might of imaginary experience Makes crime Right.

Global Culture is based on the ecological world-view that teaches imaginary experience is the Always Could-be Criminal Insanity Channel.

The ecological world-view teaches that commonly observable experience, the feedback of the voices of all now, lifeform or not, is our most reliable source of information, our most reliable guide. But never a god, because even a gazillion can be wrong. Still, commonly observable experience is never trumped by imaginary experience only by more observation.

Imaginary experience is never a source of truth. That self-delusion leads us into crime because our imaginations have no limits. Making imaginary experience a guide without limits. Making limitless crimes right for the criminal fools who believe in the truth of imaginary experience.

Imaginary experience is always self-generated by us. It is a valuable, but unreliable, source without scruple of new ideas to be cautiously tested for their value, because imaginary experience is the Always Could-be Criminal Insanity Channel.

All imagined beings are projections of aspects of ourselves. Understanding ourselves requires appreciating all imaginary aspects, fairy, troll, demon, and god.

This existence is ever-changing in every aspect. Imagining an unchanging thing is not evidence that it exists outside our imaginings. The process of change itself is the only persistent feature of this existence.

This existence appears eternal. That does not mean that this particular universe is eternal, all things pass away, to be recycled into new universes. But existence, the process of change, appears eternal itself.

This existence is complex, every benefit is a harm, every harm is a benefit. We have learned that complex systems can arise from simple systems and that this existence is self-generated by simple systems.

This existence is an ecosystem, a recycling network of interdependent, interconnected parts. Lifeform and ecosystem are one; every thing effects everything else. All are of value because all are partners in the process of change that is existence.

All are limited and transitory. Therefore, when we die, we are no more. Just like all other lifeforms, this is our one and only life. We get justice, forgiveness, reward, and rapture now, or never.

This is our one and only life, therefore Fairness Makes Right. Fairness, aiming to secure for all their only chance for justice, forgiveness, reward, and rapture, is Right now.

Existence itself is neither fair, nor unfair; it is our response to existence that is fair, or not.

Theists choose to be unfair. They choose Power Now, an imagined god exercising it’s Might Makes Right power through them is the purpose of their existence. Culturally insane theists foolishly enslave all to imaginary experience.

Ecosystem partners choose to be fair. They choose Fairness Now, the fairness of enjoying partnership with all now is the purpose of their existence. They choose to cooperate, avoiding harm and providing benefit to all now.

Ecosystem partners learn from ancestors, but are not cultural slaves. They take responsibility for their beliefs and behaviors. They are culturally free to chose a purpose that provides meaning to their life now, within the context of being a good ecosystem partner. They are culturally free to change their culture, as they learn new things from commonly observable experience.

Ecosystem partners judge all beliefs, behaviors, and purposes by their effects on all now, aiming for the best for all now, to the best of their understanding now. Ecosystem partners in judging effects are always guided by commonly observable experience, never imaginary experience.

Ecosystem partners always welcome critical feedback of self, situation, and system as necessary for survival in an ever-changing existence. Theists foolishly suppress critical feedback.

Ecosystem partners learn respectfully from all now. Adult partners learn respectfully from child partners, who provide an invaluable, unencumbered view of our situation. Partners learn respectfully from all lifeforms and the inanimate. All will come back and bite us, if we do not respect the feedback of any in this ecosystem existence.

Ecosystem partners share fairly with all now. Greed creates criminal misers who hoard more than a fair share causing harms and denying benefits.

Ecosystem partners play joyfully with all now because Fairness Now means that all have a right to the benefit of enjoying their lives as partners with all now.

Ecosystem partners are grateful, they appreciate and enjoy their one and only lives now.

Ecosystem partners are kind, they are considerate and generous to provide benefit to all now.

Ecosystem partners are forgiving, they do not forget, condone or excuse, but they do let go of anger, resentment, and revenge, because they cause harm to innocent bystander partners.

The experience of each ecosystem partner is unique, therefore, partners are wholly themselves providing beneficial feedback from their unique experience.

Life feeds on life in a ecosystem existence; partners respectfully take only what is fairly needed.

Bad partners claim to be exceptional. They claim an always self-conferred exceptionalism that entitles them to be excepted from the social rules and cause harm and deny benefit for their gratification. Bad partners receive the appropriate level of fair feedback that stops them from causing harms and restores benefits.

The rules of good partners include: Be a Good Partner, Foster Free Feedback, Respect The Rocks, Make No Garbage, Avoid Harm To All Now, Provide Benefit To All Now, Cooperate, Trust, Never Take Things On Faith, Never Just Obey Orders, Seek, Change, Seek Change.

The effect of a belief in the intellectually mature, morally responsible, fair ecological world-view of Global Culture is that we behave better more often as culturally free ecosystem partners.

The effect of a belief in the theistic world-view of Western Culture that the Might of imaginary experience Makes crime Right, is that we behave badly more often as cultural bullies, who ignore, dismiss, deny, or justify our bad behaviors by blaming them on the imagined commands of imagined gods.

Western Culture is insane; Global Culture is our future.

MJ Stephens, stephensmj.com
Good Partner Rules: cafepress.com/stephensmj

26 April 2015

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