Hey, kids and prototypes.

This is Minutes of Madness. I'm mad, I'm mad, I'm really mad.

Today's program is: Bacteria Blabs Yet Again.

But first two words and six letters from our sponsor, that's me. And they are: Google MadJoy. M A D J O Y.

And now back to today's program: Bacteria Blabs Yet Again.

Blabbing for Bacteria today is our guest, Ms. E. Coli. Ms. Coli, will you please tell our listeners what thoughts you would like to share with us today.

First, I'd like to say, Thank you. Thank you for being brave enough to let the voice of this grossly misrepresented life form be heard.

I want to say, Get a Clue, NOVA! Your TV Program "The Bible's Buried Secrets" is not Science, it is religious misinformation.

First, the Hebrews did NOT invent the creation stories in Genesis. These stories are the bad science of the Mesopotamians, which the Hebrews borrowed. That NOVA omitted this well known fact is a lie by omission. This lie by omission lets stand the claim of present day Monotheists that their Bible is the coherent experience of one line of people, which in fact, it is not. The Bible, from word one, is, instead, a hodgepodge of traditions from various peoples and times.

Well, Ms. Coli, what about the claim that the Hebrews invented Monotheism?

The Hebrews were not Monotheists. They did not believe there was only one god. Genesis says the GODS, not A god, Elohim is plural not singular, the gods created the universe. The Hebrews were satisfied with the stories of the polytheistic Mesopotamians, because they were polytheists too. Yahweh never says he is the only god. He is just a childishly jealous god. The Hebrews never say YaHWeH is the only god. In fact, they know and name rival gods, chief among them Baal. They never say Baal does not exist, only that they should not worship him, and should only worship a god called YaHWeH. Every ancient tribe and city had it's own patron god, so too did the Hebrews have a patron god, a club mascot, YaHWeH. But they worshiped other gods as well, just like every other ancient, as NOVA's own research shows. This is not Monotheism. Claiming the Hebrews were Monotheists is another attempt by current day Monotheists to legitimatize their own beliefs by fabricating, in retrospect, a coherent tradition of belief, which in fact never existed. The ancient Hebrews by their own account, and their archeology, were polytheists.

Well, who invented Monotheism then?

Monotheism, that there was only one god for all to worship, was invented by the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, circa 1350 BCE. It was soon suppressed in Egypt. They thought it was culturally insane, and they were right, and it threaten the power of a whole lot of other gods' priests. If there were Egyptian exiles that came to Canaan to escape persecution, it was they who brought Monotheism to the polytheistic Hebrews.

Well, Ms. Coli, what about the claim that the Hebrew Canaanite Israelites invented Justice for All?

It is not just a distortion, beyond belief, of history, but a despicable, self glorifying lie to say that the ancient Hebrew Canaanite Israelites, invented the concept of Justice for All. These primates were ancient savages. They thought the earth was flat, the stars were fixed, demons caused disease, and primates were the center of the universe. All that is false. Any one who tries to attribute to them superior knowledge, or morals, in order to legitimatize their current self glorifying beliefs, when the Hebrew's own record of their own actions in their own Bible shows them to be savages, suffers from selective forgetting about the pornographic sexual violence they continually directed toward women. These savages would no more proclaim "Justice for All", then they would proclaim "Equal Rights for Women". This is a patently ridiculous assertion. And it is a outright attempt to inflate the importance of the Hebrew Canaanite Israelites to world culture and assign them virtues they never practiced. They were savages.

The Hebrew Canaanite Israelites had a tribal compact, not a universal social philosophy. There was no justice for all. There was just honor among thieves, while you shafted, raped, pillaged and slaughtered all Outsiders, men, women and children alike. Which the Hebrews Canaanite Israelites did whenever they could get the advantage over any one else with whom they shared the land on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. The Bible about war and war mongering, followed by a change of tactics, to make nice, until a god's calvary arrives, and slaughters all your enemies for you. And, by the way, those eastern shores was always shared by various groups, and NOVA's continued implication to the contrary is an historical lie.

Well, Ms. Coli, if the Hebrew Canaanite Israelites were savages who got their founding myths from the Mesopotamians, and their Monotheism from an Egyptian Pharaoh, what is their legacy?

The legacy of Biblical Monotheists is institutionalized Injustice sanctified by religious belief.

Biblical Monotheism is authoritarian, often to the point of being totalitarian. Isn't that the first lesson in the story of Eve, never question authority, or you will be outcast and damned to suffering forever? Biblical Monotheism is self glorifying, self important, intellectually infantile, narcissistic, cruel and foolish. Why? Because the central tenet of Biblical Monotheism is NOT that there is one god. The central tenet of Biblical Monotheism is that some self appointed group of primates are a god's best friend and the center of attention of all existence. The corollary to this central tenet is that all Outsiders are enemies of the chosen god, and therefore of lesser value. This is not justice for all, it is Injustice as institutionalized religion. And that is what you find in every Monotheistic culture, injustice and discrimination for the Outsider. Because Monotheists don't want to prove there is one god in heaven, they want to prove there is one god on earth, and it is them.

So, in fact, the truth is exactly the opposite, of NOVA's lie. Justice for All is not a tenet of Biblical Monotheism or Monotheists. Justice for a few self appointed wanna be pharaohs, and Injustice for all Outsiders is the central tenet of Biblical Monotheism.

But where then did we get our ideas of freedom and justice for All?

I can't imagine how NOVA does not know that the 18th century European Enlightenment invented the concepts of freedom, justice and equality. Monotheists, of all stripes, held slaves and lived quite happily with slavery for almost 2000 years. It was only in the 18th century, when the relevancy of the Bible was finally questioned, that an argument was made for political justice and equality for all. It was the not the fulfillment of Biblical thought, but the overturning of it, that led to the concepts of Freedom, Justice and Equality. To say otherwise is an historical lie.

Why do Monotheist institutionalize Injustice?

Because Monotheists don't just believe in a god, they believe they are gods. Many monotheists would bridle at that statement, but that is exactly the contention they make. Who lives forever? Only a god, not any animal. Ask any monotheist if they think they are going to live forever. They will say, No, they are going to die. But that is not what they believe. They don't think they are going to die, like the animal they are. They do think, like a god, they are going to survive death. They do think, like a god, they are going to live forever, just not on this planet. Any animal who thinks any iota of itself can survive death is saying they are a god, not an animal. These wanna be gods animals, act like gods now, because they think they are going to be gods later. This is megalomania. It is megalomania if an individual thinks he, she or it is the center of the attention of the universe. And it is still megalomania, cultural megalomania, to think your group is the center, purpose and central value of existence. There are no chosen, saved, blessed, or pure primates. There are only us animals here, some of whom are cultural megalomaniacs. Furthermore, ignorance does not deserve respect, it deserves correction, especially if it is a self glorifying delusion that justifies discrimination and injustice.

Another Bacteria riddle, He, he. What is blasphemy? He, he, he. Blasphemy is the truth a monotheist does not want to hear, that the self glorifying lies monotheists tell themselves, that they are a god's best friend, a chip off a god block, a god on lay away, a god in waiting, that they can tune into a god channel, are just that, lies, and not any kind of a truth.

Is there any other harm, beside institutionalizing Injustice, that Monotheism has done to primates?

Contrary to what NOVA stated, Monotheism is not the height of self awareness, it is the depths of intellectual delusion. Monotheism is a curse, not a blessing. Monotheism is a curse because it imposes a mindset that distorts primate perception and thinking. Monotheism proclaims that there is only one unchanging answer, one solution, one path and one truth; all others are dismissed, discounted, or denigrated. The fact is, there are many answers, many solutions, many paths and many truths, and they are always changing. To see how, even today, the monotheistic mindset has distorted and blinded science, you only have to look at the search for the single particle, or the single unchanging theory that will answer all questions, forever. This a religious monotheistic quest, looking for one unchanging answer, looking for a god. Science would be a whole lot better off, if it let go of the prejudices of Monotheism, with which primate minds are so ingrained that they cannot even see how their thinking, and the questions they think to ask, are distorted by their monotheistic indoctrination. Every thing changes, and in an ever changing multiverse physical laws are as dependent on conditions as time is.

And, we bacteria, think it is a real scream every time we hear a putative primate scientist say, "Well, animals are effected, but I don't know if people are effected." What do these primates think they are, elves, fairies, trolls, or gods? Primates are animals, just like squirrels, cats, dogs, and lab rats. If other animals are effected, primates are effected too, to some degree. Primates must stop clinging to the ignorant and self glorifying religious prejudices of long dead, fear filled savages. It leads to bad science. Monotheism and Science are incompatible, because a monotheist, childishly, thinks he is the center of the attention of the universe; a scientist knows primates are not.

Is there any other damage primates are suffering from Monotheism?

It is the mindset of Monotheists that has gotten primates into the ecological pickle they are in. Be fruitful and multiply, without regard to ecological consequences, is the philosophy of a locust, or an ignorant savage. To cling to this philosophy, as the intellectually infantile do, in the face of looming ecological disaster, is authoritarian Monotheism in action. Global Warming, and mass extinction, including all primates, is the fulfillment of thinking that you are a god's best friend, that you are really a chip off a god block too good for this planet, so you can overpopulate it, and trash it, without consequence to your self. Well, dear primates, you are animals and you are going to suffer the catastrophic consequences of this Monotheistic we-are-gods delusion.

Are there any final comments you would like to make to NOVA?

Bacteria wish that NOVA would Get a Clue. Stop telling lies, by omission, by implication and flat outright. Stop propagandizing for institutionalized injustice and the cultural megalomania that is Biblical Monotheism. Which, not so incidentally, is killing primates off. And, which would silence Science all together if it could, as it always has tried to do in the past.

Can't you just hear those Monotheists now: "I'm a Monotheist, I'm a god's best friend. Every one who says I'm not a god's best friend, hates me, and is going to suffer. I'm a Monotheist, I have to kill everyone who says I am not a god's best friend." Sounds like a wanna be pharaoh to us Bacteria, culturally insane. Primates may want it to be another way. But it's not. Monotheism Sucks.

So primates should give up all those monotheistic religions and rites?

Whoa! Nobody wants to give up Christmas. It's way too fun. We Bacteria just love all that waste. Primates can't give up religion, they are social animals. Primates need religion to cooperate as a social unit working toward shared goals. Religion is necessary, it is just a god that is optional. And a belief that you are kith or kin to a god is definitely counter indicated if you want to construct a socially just public philosophy, which is what religion is. Spirituality is personal and can live with the products of primate imagination. Religion is public, and in a society of citizens, versus one of savages, slaves and serfs, religion must be based on knowledge gained from reproducible experience, not on individual, narcissistic, self glorifying flights of the imagination.

Primates just have to give up Biblical Monotheism and become Ancyans, Ancyan Jews, Ancyan Christians, Ancyan Muslims, Ancyan Hindus, Ancyan Buddhists, Ancyan Pagans, Ancyan Ancyans. And if primates don't know how to do this, they can do what their ancestors did, make it up as they go along, discarding what they have to, and repurposing what they can.

Primates who become Ancyans, know they are animals, and when they die, they will be no more. Ancyans are here to learn, share and play with All, Animal, Cyborg, and Android, as equal partners in evolution now. Ancyans know they get justice, forgiveness, reward, and rapture, now, or never. Ancyans aren't deluded into thinking they are a god's best friend, a god on lay away, a god in waiting, a chip off a god block, or can tune into a god channel.

Every religious rite and ritual that is open to bring All together to learn, share and play should be cherished. The problem is the rites, rules or primates that say: "I'm kith and kin to a god, I don't have to learn from you, I don't have to share with you, you can't play with me. I'm so special you can't even live near me." Sounds like a pharaoh again, doesn't it? Because only ignorant, fear filled savages and megalomaniacs need everyone around them to be a mirror of themselves. These are anti-Ancyan.

And anyone who thinks their religion hasn't morphed before, must be getting their religious misinformation from NOVA. Primates throw away bits of religion and culture, and make up new ones, in every generation. That is how they have evolved. Do you think primates would be the locusts they are today, if they still clung to the belief that demons, instead of Bacteria, Bacteria Rule, caused disease? They should have let go of thinking they were a god's best friend, when they let go of thinking that a god's demons were out to get them, because Monotheism Sucks.

Well, thank you, Ms. Coli for that analysis of primate beliefs. And listeners, may the Bacteria be with you.

This is the End of another beginning, the beginning of another end.

Google Madjoy, M A D J O Y.

This is the end of these Minutes of Madness. stephensmj 2008

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